Software de Gerenciamento de Riscos para Organizações de Saneamento.
Compartilhado. Simples. Rápido.
Revolutionize Your Water Management with RISKID
Water management organizations in Brazil are challenged with optimizing resource allocation and decision-making in a dynamic and vital sector. The complexities of projects related to drinking water, sanitation, and wastewater demand meticulous attention to risks. This challenge is further magnified by the need for transparency in the eyes of both the public and regulatory bodies[1].
RISKID, a Dutch company experienced in working with Dutch Water boards, brings its expertise in risk management to benefit Brazilian water companies with tailored applications for their industry. Our success story with a Water Board client, where RISKID has been instrumental in managing risks for their assets and infrastructure projects, further underscores the value we bring to the table.
[1] Law No. 11.445/2007 and the reference standards established by the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) require organizations to manage their risk matrices.
Principais Benefícios
RISKID is here to transform risk management in the water industry by offering you the following key benefits:
RISKID fosters collaboration among stakeholders, elevating risk awareness and engagement throughout your organization.
Simplify risk management processes with RISKID’s user-friendly interface, saving time and enhancing productivity.
Data-driven insights enable strategic resource allocation and mitigate potential risks effectively.
All risk data in one place, accessible remotely for collaboration from anywhere.
Ensure accountability with an auditable risk management process that instils public and regulatory trust.
HOW RISKD worked for DAE Jundiaí
Principais Funções
Sessões Colaborativas
Nenhum Gerente de Riscos pode fazer tudo sozinho. O RISKID integra o feedback ativo de todos os envolvidos para garantir a compreensão e a responsabilidade dentro do grupo.
Painéis interativos on-line permitem que suas equipes identifiquem os principais riscos e colaborem em soluções, garantindo dados precisos ao mesmo tempo em que monitoram as mudanças em tempo real.
Relatórios de Gerenciamento Visual
Os relatórios RISKID são personalizáveis, altamente visuais e de fácil compreensão para qualquer pessoa da organização, desde os estagiários até o alto escalão.
Importe Arquivos de Risco Existentes
Facilitamos a migração de seu sistema de gerenciamento de riscos existente. Nossa função simplificada de importação de dados o acompanha durante a migração para que você possa começar rapidamente.
Alertas Automáticos
Receba alertas automáticos quando houver qualquer mudança nos riscos críticos, enviados diretamente para seu telefone celular, e-mail ou método de contato preferido.
Dados Sobre Riscos Agregados
Reúna, defina e processe a totalidade dos dados de risco de sua organização de acordo com as exigências de relatórios de risco e conformidade regulamentar.
How RISKID Works
RISKID seamlessly integrates with your water management operations, offering:
Tailor RISKID to your specific water management processes and needs.
Data Accessibility
Access risk data anytime, anywhere, supporting remote decision-making.
Risk Identification
Engage stakeholders in identifying risks, nurturing comprehensive risk awareness.
Collaborative Mitigation
Assign responsibilities, track progress, and work together to effectively mitigate risks.
Continuous Improvement
Utilize RISKID’s reports and dashboards for ongoing process enhancement and risk mitigation strategies.
Unlock a Sustainable Future of Water Management Together with RISKID
Empower your water management organization with RISKID’s innovative risk management tool. Join hands with us to enhance transparency, collaboration, and strategic decision-making.